Better Pipe Organ Database

Unfortunately does not make sponsorship information available when you request information about an organ via the API (like this page does). It has to be reverse-engineered from one of the javascript files that is requested (similarly to the number->description mapping that is done for key action type, etc.).

The sponsorships are all based on the state that the organ is located in, and the name of the sponsoring company is not included or written on the pipeorgandatabase website (which is insufficient for accessability reasons, as the company name can not be read by screen readers and text-only browsers), only the image and a link to the sponsor's website.

Hopefully, this accessability oversight will be addressed in the future and information about sponsors will be included with the API response so that these sponsors can be dutifully acknowledged for their contributions to the Organ Historical Society.

All efforts will be made to keep the following list updated.

Sponsors list as of December 25, 2024

MassachusettsMessrs. Czelusniak et Dugal, Inc.
ConnecticutS. L. Huntington & Co. Tracker Organ Builders
New YorkFoley-Baker Inc.
GeorgiaParkey Organ Builders
TennesseeMilnar Organ Company
PennsylvaniaColumbia Organ
OhioSchantz Organ Company
IllinoisJohn-Paul Buzard Pipe Organ Builders